When the students arrive at junior or senior level, just as their parents do, they face the moment to make decisions that will impact their Life project. Conscious about the magnitude of these decisions, at CPC we offer the students exploration and career orientation, college placement, scholarship application, opportunity to take international tests, summer camps and exchange programs
Our students from Junior and Senior high receive guidance from our counselors, supported by activities like “semana profesional”, talks with alumni, college fairs and campus visits. By doing these activities, our students receive the necessary information and advice to help them decide autonomously the profession they want to dedicate themselves to as they grow up.
During the 10th grade, to strengthen the language learning process, our students have the possibility to enter an exchange program in the USA, Canada or France. With the program, our students can experience first hand the culture and the language, while strengthening their autonomy and learning proceses outside of the classroom. Additionally, our counselor helps the students on searching artistic, academic or sports summer camps. This way, our students can explore and choose the program according to their needs and likes.
The CPC accompanies the students and shows them the alternatives they have regarding to scholarship applications, both national and international. The accompaniment starts from the proposal of options the student has all the way to helping them in the application process. With this guidance, our students have a clear view of the broad spectrum of possibilities they have and the path they must follow to achieve their goals. Colegio Jefferson has agreements with national and international universities to extend scholarships, credit validation and preferred admission.
As part of the curricular program, our students receive the necessary tools to take external international tests, done by Cambridge University and the French education ministry. The tests are. KET (Key English Test, PET (Preliminary English Test), IELTS (International English Language Testing System) y DELF (diplôme d’études en langue française). Additionally, once they’ve reached higher education levels (9th grade onwards) they receive guidance for the tests they have to take according to their own project, such as SAT, ACT and PSAT.