SENIOR (Early adulthood)

(11th and 12th grade)

The last stop of the trip! A space to signify the commitment of each life project and its impact on the transformation of various contexts.

In this section, an in-depth and detailed accompaniment is also carried out in the transition from school to university, addressing all the aspects that this process implies and allowing them to have a real approximation of the stage they will experience once they graduate, through tools such as professional guidance. , application for scholarships, visits to local, national and international universities, internships and international AP courses, which validate credits and/or pre-university courses from their last school years.

Likewise, they present the Academic IELTS their third test, which certifies the level of Spanish-English bilingualism required to enter an undergraduate degree in a foreign university. Similarly, they present the DELF (official diploma issued by the French Ministry of National Education) that certifies their level of Spanish-French bilingualism, evidencing their ability to hold long and complex conversations.

Undoubtedly, a closure that allows our students to project themselves for the future using the foundations received throughout their school process.

senior colegio jefferson
