MIDDLE (Pre-Adolescence)

(5th, 6th and 7th grade)

This stage of the journey focuses on the transition between childhood and adolescence. For this reason, in Middle School, students receive specialized support in the needs of preadolescence that guides them at an academic, social, personal and cultural level towards the following stages of life, betting on differentiated learning. In addition, they are provided with the necessary tools and skills that allow them to build a solid path to the following stages of life: Junior, Senior and later, University.

In Middle School, learning is enhanced with more in-depth approaches mediated by new technologies and the development of French as a third language begins. In this way, students receive 28 hours per week in English, 10 in Spanish and 2 in French, contributing to the trilingual proposal of the Jefferson educational journey and preparing them as citizens of the world in a multicultural environment. In this section, students take their first Cambridge test, which certifies their level of bilingualism and demonstrates their ability to maintain long and complex conversations.

Middle seccion Colegio Jefferson Cali
